General Conference from the Past: Models to Follow

In his October 2002 General Conference address, President Thomas S. Monson, then a counselor in the First Presidency, spoke of the importance of having reference points in our spiritual journey, having models to follow. He opened his talk with the story of a painting he once saw of Mary, the mother of Christ, being greeted by her cousin, Elisabeth, mother of John the Baptist. John spent his life testifying of Jesus Christ, and Christ, in turn, made the comment about John, “Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist.” The examples … Continue reading

General Conference From the Past: “Women of Righteousness”

In a devotional address given at BYU on March 13, 2001, Elder M. Russell Ballard of the Quorum of the Twelve addressed the role of women, and how God views them. This was a wonderful talk that I, as a stay-at-home mom, particularly took to heart. It is very uplifting and, as Elder Ballard stated, good for both women and men to read and ponder. He begins by quoting a letter sent to church headquarters from an LDS woman who felt as though she were living a lie. Despite a strong testimony of the gospel, she doubted her value beyond … Continue reading

Scripture Study 1 Nephi 17:1-6

Laman and Lemuel have been chastened (again) and all is well in the little campsite. Food has been provided to the travelers and they are ready to resume their journey. 1. And it came to pass that we did again take our journey in the wilderness; and we did travel nearly eastward from that time forth. And we did travel and wade through much affliction in the wilderness; and our women did bear children in the wilderness. When I first read this, my thought was, “How terrible to give birth out in the wilderness.” But then I realized, it probably … Continue reading

Why Is It So Hard to Be a Mother?

Ever since watching Sister Julie B. Beck’s phenomenal conference address at the women’s portion of General Conference last week, I have been inspired to try harder to be the kind of mother she spoke of. I made up new job charts for my children and have stuck to enforcing them. I have recommitted myself to menus and to housework. I have tried to read my scriptures and pray more regularly. I have cut down the amount of television time. And it’s been one of the hardest weeks of my life. The opposition has come in full force and tried to … Continue reading

LDS Family Week in Review: July 15-21

From seminary to tithing to LDS secrets, this week carried with it a number of blogs sure to help and entertain you. Gospel Doctrine: In What Christ’s Resurrection Means to Each of Us, we discussed the impact of the resurrection in our lives. In Witness of the Resurrected Lord, we discussed various people who saw the Lord following His resurrection. In Doubting Thomas, we considered the disciples who doubted news of Christ’s resurrection. In The Value of the Old Testament, we discuss the relevance of the first book of the bible. In Did Not Our Hearts Burn?, we discussed the … Continue reading